SpongeBob is then seen sitting on a large piece of coral while sipping on a carton of grape juice. Squidward then retreats gleefully, while SpongeBob says goodbye to Bikini Bottom, while Timmy and Tina (the two kids from earlier) are seen giggling behind a mailbox. He begrudgingly does so, and passes the hiccups onto SpongeBob. Squidward is then approached by SpongeBob, who states that he will willingly take the hiccups if Squidward hugs him. Squidward then approaches them and starts uncontrollably hiccupping. Puff, Pearl, and Bubble Bass, who are walking down the street together. Squidward berates Patrick, saying that hiccups are not contagious, but when he starts hiccupping himself, he panics and takes off. Patrick begs Squidward to help him get rid of the hiccups, but then passes the hiccups onto him. Patrick then starts hiccupping, causing him to panic, and he bumps into Squidward. Plankton laughs in his face and then runs away. He then picks up Plankton, who ends up passing the hiccups onto him. He then lands on the ground right in front of Patrick, who ends up accidentally stepping on him. The hiccups cause Plankton to accidentally drop a couple of beakers he was using, which creates an explosion that sends him flying. He then hiccups, causing the hiccup bubble to travel inside the microphone, and into telephone wires leading to the Chum Bucket, causing Karen to get the hiccups, who then passes the hiccups to Plankton. We then cut to Perch Perkins, who is reporting the Hiccup Plague on the news, but he just laughs it off until Bubble Bass (still inside out) grabs Perch Perkins' microphone, claiming the Hiccup Plague to be real. This also happens to Bubble Bass, who panics and runs away. Old Man Jenkins then approaches Bubble Bass and mocks him, saying how back in his day, hiccups could turn someone inside out. His hiccups cause him to sneeze on his comic book, making him upset. The Jellyfish then fly past the comic book store where Bubble Bass is reading a comic book, and pass the hiccups onto him. SpongeBob hiccupping while making Krabby Patties. She ends up passing the hiccups to a group of Jellyfish, and she happily finishes her cheer.

Pearl attempts to practice cheerleading, but her hiccups get in the way. Puff tries to apologize to Pearl, but ends up passing the hiccups to her, causing Pearl to storm out of the restaurant. Puff then accidentally spits water all over Pearl's pom poms, making her upset. Pearl then also walks into the restroom and is confused by what Mrs. Puff then rushes into the restroom and tries drinking water upside down to get rid of the hiccups. Krabs unknowingly passes the hiccups onto her. Puff claims the hiccups are not contagious and kisses Mr. Krabs walks back into the restaurant to greet Mrs. Krabs sends SpongeBob home for the day, but not before SpongeBob hiccups the bubble out of his mouth and onto Mr. He attempts to scare the hiccups out of him, but this proves unsuccessful. Krabs walks into the kitchen to see what is going on, to which he realizes SpongeBob has a case of the hiccups. At first, SpongeBob uses this to his advantage, using his hiccups to bounce the Krabby Patties off of his head, but this quickly spirals out of control. Later, at The Krusty Krab, SpongeBob is about to prepare a fresh batch of Krabby Patties, but his hiccups interfere.

The hiccup bubble then lands on SpongeBob while he is skipping down the street, causing him to get the hiccups. They release the hiccup bubble into Bikini Bottom, which is about to land on an old woman, but she unknowingly blows it away while blowing her nose. They trap the hiccup bubble in a jar, and laugh about how this will make a great prank. Two of their hiccup bubbles touching each other combines into one bigger bubble and Tina gets the jar to put the bubble in. In the process, they let out hiccup bubbles. In the second attempt, they eat a bag of spicy kelp chips, which causes their mouths to burn and then hiccup. At first, Timmy takes out a can of Fizz Bomb soda, drinks it, and then burps, but that does not work.

The episode begins with two kids named Timmy and Tina in a treehouse, attempting to get the hiccups.